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If you could go back in time and observe yourself in high school, in comparison to yourself now, what would you think? What has changed? What has stayed the same? Is there anything you’d like to say to the you then that could change where you are today?

Let’s face it, In high school everyone is awkward. I was especially awkward. I was always trying to find myself, dating girls and guys to try and see which I preferred and then there was a negative self image I had as well that didnt help. I didnt see how I was going to make it in the world. If I could only go back in time and tell myself that everything was going to be ok and that I would eventually figure everything out and find true love i would. I think knowing this information would really save me from so much stress. I would also tell myself that I need not worry about coming out, because I would go on to lose friends who I thought were my best and find out who my true friends were and would be. It would be so great to be able to go back in time.

Comments on: "“If I Could Turn Back Time…”(and no I dont mean Cher)" (5)

  1. Noele Crooks said:

    I agree, high school was awkward. I’m glad everything turned out okay for you, and hopefully you are much less stressed these days! It’s crazy how much stress high school causes and now it’s like high school doesn’t even matter.

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  3. I can’t say that I know what it was like for you in high school, but I would like to commend you for your actions. I had some friends who went through similar situations and it turned their life into a living hell. Not to mention, you are in the state of Georgia, where any such actions/thoughts are immediately hated “because the Bible says so.”

    I know you have probably heard it before, but I am going to say it anyways.
    If your alleged friends abandoned you, they had no reason being your friends in the first place. I have lost a lot of friends, but the ones I have now, I know I can trust with anything. I guess it’s just part of life. The question is, would you really want them back?

    I hope you find what you are looking for, my hat is off to you for publishing this.

  4. […] Buck: https://g8buck.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/if-i-could-turn-back-time-and-no-i-dont-mean-cher/#comment-24 LikeBe the first to like this […]

  5. Looking back on it now high school is a very awkward time. You’re so busy trying to fit in with the cool crowd that you never really have time to discover yourself and that’s probably the thing you need to focus most on. As far as those “friends” who abandoned you…….they were probably never really your friends to begin with. Friendship shouldn’t be determined by race, gender or sexuality. At least that’s how I feel.

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